Acupuncture has been a part of Liz’s life since she was in high school. She saw acupuncture support her family’s health in various ways; from facilitating post-surgical recovery to healing a tennis elbow injury so thoroughly the scheduled surgery was no longer needed. Her childhood next door neighbor, a retired acupuncturist, was her first mentor. These early experiences inspired Liz to choose acupuncture when deciding on a career in healthcare.
Once Liz began her formal acupuncture training, she received regular treatment and Chinese herbs herself. She experienced firsthand, and now sees through her patients, the profound possibilities for Chinese Medicine to heal, balance, and support the body and mind.
Liz graduated from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine in Portland and then completed her Doctorate from the Pacific College of Health Sciences. She had the unique opportunity to participate in a woman’s health acupuncture residency and work directly with patients referred by Oregon Reproductive Medicine. In addition to supporting women’s health, Liz enjoys treating all aspects of patient health, including pain, neuropathy, concussions, and other conditions.
In her free time Liz loves taking her two dogs Arlo (shepherd mix) and Woodruff (chihuahua mix) on small and medium sized adventures. Hiking in the Pacific Northwest’s beautiful forests and working on her green thumb are also weekend favorites.